Client-Customer - What is the Difference?

Many people do not realize there is a difference between a client and a customer. They use the terms interchangeably without any thought whatsoever. If you are involved in any type of business, it is important to know the difference so you don't offend anyone. Calling your client a customer actually could alienate them from your business. The main difference between the two is that a client is someone who is under the protection of another. A customer is someone who purchases a good or service. Typically, a business relationship is formed with clients, whereas that isn't necessarily the case with customers.

Understanding the difference between a client and customer can affect the way in which you do business. Because clients tend to be people who seek advice, people tend to pay more attention to clients than they do customers. This is evident in the fact that some businesses actually have changed the name of their customer service department to client service. If you still aren't sure on the difference between the two, consider the example of a lawyer and client. Although they are paying a lawyer for services, an individual is not considered a customer. This is because they are seeking advice and are under the lawyer's protection. This is a good way to remember the difference between the two.
Once you understand the difference between a client and customer, steps can be taken to nurture those relationships. Clients are an important part of many businesses, so it is a smart business move to let them know you are looking out for their needs. Provide them with the best service you can. This will go a long way in preserving them as clients. If a company fails to keep their clients as such, they could turn in to customers. Companies do not want this to happen because customers are more likely to use other businesses than clients are.

If a business owner doesn't know the difference between his clients and customers, then there is more of a chance his customers will go elsewhere for services. Had they been cherished and looked after the way clients should be, they would have no reason to get the same service elsewhere. You may feel as if you are sucking up to your clients, but they have to know that you appreciate their business and that there is no reason for them to stray. Forming a long-term relationship with your clients is a good way to keep them as clients instead of customers.

Too many people, there isn't a difference between a client and a customer. When the definitions are examined more thoroughly, a clear and distinct difference is evident. Customers come and go and can be replaced at the drop of a hat. Clients, on the other hand, are an important aspect of your company's long-term goals. You typically refer to clients by their first names and they refer to you in the same manner. It actually would affect your business if a client left your company, whereas a customer would not.

Josh Macmichael

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